
“In physics, motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time also on its reference point. Motion is typically described in terms of displacement, direction, velocity, acceleration, time and speed. “(

What I want to talk about is concentration on thru perception of and the motion of everyday objects that are right in front of you. For example one could observe the change in spatial position in terms of how that and time takes place in respect to the psyche of one’s mind and thus perception in relation to those objects. And from here you begin to see in a manner that one will notice where precision now exists not in the object (but of course) and however in the perception as it is experienced in what is generally defined as motion in physics (micro physics in respect to small attainable objects everywhere around you. objects in the environment,when observed with quick scrutiny in the mind per se through one’s perception, a person begins to notice ad infinitum with the same object and that there are coincidental truths with every other small object that can be handled in the palm of your hand..

I want to go off on a tangent here and postulate that if we can discover any physical laws of space-time, using our mind, then one aspect of the construct of the mind is that it has the capacity thru perception, in a philosophical sense, to understand the underpinnings of this discipline here in terms that can be attributable to physics and here namely the Motion of objects as we can see them and thus extrapolating from them endless properties of behavior. I am not talking about the macro but the micro movements of objects as they exist in action by themselves or are handled by us.

When thinking about this, we experience or concentrate on a kind of perception on the object in question that we are dealing with. You have to concentrate on how your seeing that object and how the entity is acting as it is there after you put it in motion and then it comes to a stop or goes out of sight. And it’s a simple regular object in any household. And these objects hold a lot of information in the way they are presented to us in reality.

It’s not the shape or the color of the object that is in question but it could add to it by those with a better practice or perception than mine. But we want to understand the essence of the object from beginning to end for the object itself and what it is doing in motion against the backdrop of the scene that it is in.

What can the object project to be? Digressively, i.e., how was it formed and from thought (if man-made, if not, then what is it?) This is precisely the practice here all the time until you can see a progression of creativity in your mind upon reflection of the experience that you initiated and brought to fruition which I will explain below:

Let’s try to throw this object around your bedroom center and when it bounces back of the wall pick it up and throw it again (or try bouncing a basketball over and over and looking at it and at the same time internally ask what is it doing-how many “balls” do you see?).  how does infinity in one direction come back? It hits a “breaking point” where energy is transferred and it comes back as negative infinty and back into your palm.This is kind of rough play but necessary with diligence to perceive them in ways we haven’t before because we never dealt with the object in this manner before.  Maybe close, but not like mine because I’ve never seen it being practiced wither in written form or any other kind of media in that fashion. And by this I mean we are going to perceive this object in order to in order to come up with certain characteristics when it’s in movement and anything else in vision you might adhere whether color or shape.

You get better at this as you are continuous with the practice of such. If we examine the object and ask ourselves ‘what do I see?’ when playing with this object when it is in motion; and examine it in motion in different ways when you play with it in different ways. As long as you continue this practice you will become better at it and asking yourself about the object will become second nature; but, if you keep on pushing and want to experience the object in more different ways then this process slows down and you will find yourself at a “beginners” level again and asking the question becomes apparent as you throw the object once more. This kind of phenomenology at its first use is only to experience the physical or micro-physical world in a new way. But nevertheless, it will lead to new knowledge in you. As it will affect the a priorical mind inherent in each and every one of us.
The faster the object moves in motion the better the experience provided that you went through the phenomenological learning stages. For example you probably won’t experience it if you just start out with throwing the object really fast. First, however, start out by just spinning a cap on the table and see what it does.
One thing is for certain: the cap will always top out in a different way and in this respect it can top out in infinitely different ways and never once the same. Never once. These ideas or observation of moving small fast objects are to make reality aesthetically pleasing in its initial stages, but then you move on to knowledge. The faster the object moves and in random the better or more information to examine. Therefore, all the aforementioned ideas are through experience only and it takes some time to develop this skill. And, in addition, this kind of thinking is induced by the practice of it and thus it becomes at first in the a posteriori actions.
But the more intent on your willingness to see these falling objects the better and faster your perception of these become. And this is what I want to talk about – perception. And therefore this is a kind of phenomenology that I call Movement or Movement Phenomenology.
Your concentration on the object is so inclined that the time passed is suspended in your thinking or perception and therefore you don’t know how long that observation went. Perhaps because it is too fast to think about time for that moment. Therefore, here, time is probably completely irrelevant unless you make it a point to observe faster and faster. But there is a limit on how fast to observe for which then once reaching this limit you have to come up with a “smarter” observation such as including the backdrop of the object and the object in relation to the background or vice-versa.
Can you pay attention to the time and observe the object at the same time so that you do know when the next thing observed was faster? If you can, the better your experience. Again, this takes practice. These experiences push and make in me innate ideas. I get it through experience but then my innate ideas are affected and these innate ideas produce more ideas not through experience. We have knowledge from innate ideas and through experience. And Movement is the vehicle for the middle ground between the two. You might say what is this method for? It is to enhance one’s daily experience with reality